What are the packaging standards for international transportation of goods? What does overseas transportation cargo insurance include?

International transportation of goods refers to the transportation of goods from a certain point in one country to a certain point in another country using one or more means of transportation. There are many ways of international transportation, including sea transportation, railway transportation, air transportation, combined transportation, etc. So what are the packaging standards for international transportation of goods?

international packaging standards

International transport cargo packaging standards:

1. The packaging of goods must be strong, intact, and lightweight, and can prevent the packaging from breaking, the contents from leaking, and being lost during transportation.

2. The shape of the packaging should be suitable for the nature, status and weight of the goods, and should be convenient for handling, loading, unloading and stacking.

⒊. The packaging of goods and animals transported under specific conditions, such as fresh and perishable goods, should comply with the specific requirements for each cargo.

⒋. For extra small express cargo (such as small samples), it must be packed in a wooden box or carton of a certain volume (with padding, etc.). After packaging, the total length, width and height of the entire express cargo must not be less than 40CM. , the smallest side shall not be less than 5CM.

⒌. Advance materials (such as sawdust and paper scraps) in the package must not be leaked.

⒍. If the packaging of the goods does not meet the requirements, an explanation should be given to the consignor and the consignor should be required to modify or repackage the goods before shipment.

international packaging standards

Overseas transportation cargo insurance includes:

Overseas international cargo transportation insurance is insurance that takes various goods during the transportation of foreign trade goods as the subject of insurance. The types of international cargo transportation insurance are divided into four categories according to the type of transportation of the insured subject: ocean transportation cargo insurance, land transportation cargo insurance, air transportation cargo insurance, and postal parcel insurance. International cargo transportation insurance includes terms, related losses and procedures.

international packaging standards

Procedures for international cargo transportation:

1. Determine the amount of international transportation insurance;

2. Fill in the international transportation insurance application form;

3. Pay the insurance premium and obtain the insurance policy;

4. File a claim.

After the insured goods arrive at the destination, if the consignee finds that the entire package is missing or is obviously damaged, he should immediately request proof of cargo damage or cargo difference from the carrier or relevant parties, and contact the inspection and claims agent designated by the insurance company to apply for inspection. Submit an inspection report to determine the extent of the loss; at the same time file a claim with the carrier or relevant responsible party.

international packaging standards

Shenzhen Xiangfeiyang International Logistics, with many years of experience in air transport, sea transport, and express delivery channels, has maintained close long-term cooperation with various airlines, shipping companies, and the four major express delivery companies. It adheres to the principle of people-oriented and integrity. The company has experienced port Customer service at the front and back ports patiently solves professional shipping problems in international logistics, efficiently tracks cargo information, and strives to build the Xiangfeiyang brand with self-operated and self-controlled air and sea delivery routes in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Europe. It has more than 10,000 square meters of overseas warehouses in the United States. There are more than 3,000 square meters of overseas warehouses in the UK. Based on the type of goods, product attributes, and timeliness requirements, the country will customize the most suitable logistics plan for customers, so that customers' goods can arrive on time at the scheduled time, and successfully save logistics for customers. Cost, our expertise, your peace of mind!