What are the requirements for packaging goods for international transport? What are the modes of international cargo transportation?

Packaging regulations for internationally transported goods need to meet the following:

packaging goods for international transport

1. The packaging of goods must be strong, intact, and lightweight, and can prevent the packaging from breaking, the contents from leaking, and being lost during transportation.

2. The shape of the packaging should be suitable for the nature, status and weight of the goods, and should be convenient for handling, loading, unloading and stacking.

⒊. The packaging of goods and animals transported under specific conditions, such as fresh and perishable goods, should comply with the specific requirements for each cargo.

⒋. For extra small express cargo (such as small samples), it must be packed in a wooden box or carton of a certain volume (with padding, etc.). After packaging, the total length, width and height of the entire express cargo must not be less than 40CM. , the smallest side shall not be less than 5CM.

⒌. Advance materials (such as sawdust and paper scraps) in the package must not be leaked.

⒍. If the packaging of the goods does not meet the requirements, an explanation should be given to the consignor and the consignor should be required to modify or repackage the goods before shipment.

International cargo transportation methods:

packaging goods for international transport

1. Ocean transportation: In international cargo transportation, ocean transportation is the most important mode of transportation in international trade. The vast majority of my country’s imported goods are transported by ocean transportation.

The main advantages are as follows: large passing capacity, ocean transportation can make use of natural waterways extending in all directions, unlike trains and cars that are restricted by tracks and roads, so its passing capacity is large.

Disadvantages: Although ocean transportation has the above advantages, it also has shortcomings. For example: ocean transportation is easily affected by climate and natural conditions, the voyage schedule is unclear, and the risks are high. In addition, ocean transport is relatively slow.

2. Railway transportation: In international cargo transportation, railway transportation is one of the main modes of transportation in the modern transportation industry, second only to ocean transportation. Most of the import and export goods transported by ocean are transported by rail. Centralization and decentralization.

Railway is the main artery of the national economy. Compared with other modes of transportation, it has the following characteristics: Railway transportation has strong accuracy and continuity. Railway transportation is almost not affected by climate. It can carry out regular and effective transportation day and night all year round. Regular and accurate operation.

3. Air transportation: Air transportation is a modern mode of transportation. Compared with ocean transportation and railway transportation, it has the advantages of fast transportation speed, high freight quality, and is not restricted by ground conditions. Therefore, it is most suitable for transporting urgently needed supplies, fresh commodities, precision instruments and valuables.

packaging goods for international transport

Shenzhen Xiangfeiyang International Logistics, with many years of experience in air transport, sea transport, and express delivery channels, has maintained close long-term cooperation with various airlines, shipping companies, and the four major express delivery companies. It adheres to the principle of people-oriented and integrity. The company has experienced port Customer service at the front and back ports patiently solves professional shipping problems in international logistics, efficiently tracks cargo information, and strives to build the Xiangfeiyang brand with self-operated and self-controlled air and sea delivery routes in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Europe. It has more than 10,000 square meters of overseas warehouses in the United States. There are more than 3,000 square meters of overseas warehouses in the UK. Based on the type of goods, product attributes, and timeliness requirements, the country will customize the most suitable logistics plan for customers, so that customers' goods can arrive on time at the scheduled time, and successfully save logistics for customers. Cost, our expertise, your peace of mind!