One Belt, One Road | International logistics landing operations, overseas warehouses have become a "key move"


In the ten years since the "Belt and Road" has been continuously extended, countless trains have spread all over the country, freighters have reached all corners of the world, and large logistics channels have broken down the barriers to exchange and trade between countries, making development and friendship the consensus of countries along the route.

With the accelerated reconstruction of global industrial and supply chains, overseas warehouses are undoubtedly important strategic nodes in the process of developing foreign trade and building logistics networks. Overseas warehouses are warehousing and logistics nodes established by logistics companies in areas close to buyers abroad in order to improve their international business capabilities. They have functions such as storage, circulation, and processing. According to statistics from the China Warehousing and Distribution Association, the cost of overseas warehouse logistics can be reduced by 20%-50% compared with retail direct mail, and the freight time can be shortened from about 20 days to 3 to 5 days, which can significantly reduce international logistics costs. Improve logistics efficiency.

In recent years, as my country's logistics companies have continued to form groups to go overseas, the construction of logistics facilities around overseas countries has also been widely included in planning. In this battle to compete for overseas markets, the layout of overseas warehouses has undoubtedly become the top priority for major logistics companies. "The key move".

Important infrastructure for foreign trade

As an important hub and new foreign trade infrastructure for cross-border e-commerce and international logistics, the development of overseas warehouses has received national attention and support. The "14th Five-Year Plan" Modern Logistics Development Plan mentions that we should actively promote the construction of overseas warehouses, speed up the improvement of standard systems, encourage large logistics companies to carry out cooperation and collaborative sharing in the construction of overseas ports, overseas warehouses, and distribution networks, and improve global logistics services. network.

The cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse on-site meeting and supply and demand matching meeting held on October 16 summarized and planned the current situation and future development of cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouses. The meeting pointed out that overseas warehouses have played a positive role in promoting balanced development of trade, assisting digital transformation, and promoting "Belt and Road" facility connectivity and smooth trade.


Enterprises are the key element in promoting the construction of overseas warehouses. Wang Yiming, Vice Chairman of the China International Economic Exchange Center, said that overseas warehouses can not only improve the efficiency of terminal distribution services, but also enhance the established advantages of my country's foreign trade exports. To speed up the cultivation of new foreign trade formats and new models, large enterprises should be guided to take advantage of their scale advantages to actively Dedicated to the construction of overseas warehouses.

There is no doubt that, under the leadership of leading logistics companies, the deployment of overseas warehouses has become an effective means to speed up the construction of my country's foreign trade system.

Cainiao overseas warehouse helps cross-border "fast delivery"

As a well-known domestic logistics brand, Cainiao is at the forefront of going global. According to the prospectus submitted by Cainiao, its international logistics revenue accounted for 47.4% in fiscal year 2023, which is higher than the domestic figure of 46.2%. In Cainiao’s overseas planning, self-built logistics infrastructure, independent research and development systems, and independent operations are unchanging principles. Cainiao International Express Product Director Lu Xiaorong said that Cainiao will fully invest in the construction and operation of domestic and overseas logistics infrastructure and will not do second-hand A spliced cross-border logistics service provider.

The construction of a mature logistics system and complete infrastructure has given Cainiao the confidence to independently carry out overseas business. In its overseas expansion, overseas warehouses occupy an important position. According to reports, Cainiao has more than 1,100 warehouses with a total area of approximately 16.5 million square meters around the world, and has established more than 380 logistics distribution centers around the world, which has become an important foundation for expanding overseas markets. When the goods land in the UK, they can directly enter Cainiao's customs supervision warehouse near the airport. Distribution and customs clearance can be solved in one stop, greatly improving the efficiency of international logistics operations.


In addition, Cainiao also uses digital intelligence technology to empower the construction of overseas warehouse networks, providing overseas customers with "fast delivery" services that are not inferior to domestic ones. At the Service Trade Fair in September this year, Cainiao introduced the development status of its international express delivery business in the British market. According to reports, relying on self-developed warehouse management systems (WMS) and PDAs and other smart devices, Cainiao’s global overseas warehouse network has the ability to track, visualize and intelligently dispatch all logistics links, and can achieve delivery in the UK in an average of 7 calendar days. .

On September 26, Cainiao also joined forces with AliExpress to officially announce the launch of the "Global 5-Day Delivery" international express express product, with the first batch landing in five countries: the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium and South Korea. Consumers from the five countries who place orders for products with the "5-day delivery" logo on AliExpress' Choice channel can receive packages from China within 5 working days, becoming a global leader in cross-border e-commerce logistics. leading products.

JD Logistics weaves overseas warehouses into a "network"

When logistics goes out to sea, JD Logistics is also making constant moves. In September this year, JD Logistics signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Geopost, an international express delivery company under France Post, to carry out in-depth cooperation in the field of international supply chain, increase JD’s business layout in Europe, and promote the accelerated replication of digital and intelligent supply chains overseas. Landed.


JD Logistics is also accelerating the construction of overseas warehouses. Data shows that JD Logistics will enter a period of accelerated construction of overseas warehouses in 2020, building overseas warehouses in Europe, America, the Middle East, Australia and other places, strengthening localized and personalized logistics services, and expanding the coverage of integrated supply chain solutions. At present, JD Logistics has nearly 90 overseas warehouses, bonded warehouses, and direct mail warehouses around the world, with self-operated warehouses accounting for the majority. Its total cross-border network warehousing area has exceeded 900,000 square meters, an increase of more than 70% from three years ago. %.

It is understood that JD Logistics’ planning for overseas warehouses is based on the “warehouse network”, extending the six major logistics networks of warehousing network, comprehensive transportation network, distribution network, large-scale network, cold chain network and cross-border network to the world, striving to provide High-quality integrated supply chain solutions and logistics services.

At the British logistics giant Evri's China VIP Customer Day held in September, Xue Qun, vice president of JD Group and head of JD Logistics' international logistics division, proposed a "three-year plan" for JD Logistics to accelerate its overseas expansion and further optimize the construction of overseas warehouses to become a An important link in JD Logistics’ long-term planning. "In the next three years, JD Logistics will build a supply chain logistics network covering major countries around the world, and build a global supply chain network that integrates overseas warehouse networks, international transshipment hubs, local transportation and distribution networks in overseas countries, and transnational trunk transportation networks." Xue group said.

For JD Logistics, promoting the continuous improvement of its overseas warehouse network will undoubtedly greatly enhance its terminal distribution capabilities, provide a delivery experience with the widest coverage and the fastest delivery speed, further optimize timeliness, and comprehensively improve the efficiency of overseas logistics operations.

Set sail vigorously and set off again. At the starting point of the next decade of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, my country’s logistics companies will continue to promote the construction of overseas warehouses and other infrastructure with strong policy support, and contribute more to the construction of the global supply chain system.
