Useful Tips | Tips to Avoid Pitfalls in International Transshipment

Friends who study or live abroad know that it is very easy to find an international forwarding company, but it is difficult to find a safe and reliable forwarding company! FLY Logistics has summarized some tips to avoid pitfalls. After reading this article, you will never be fooled!

Common pitfalls of international transshipment

1. Timeliness and customs clearance

Timeliness and customs clearance are the most likely to cause trouble. These are uncontrollable factors. Those who guarantee timeliness and customs clearance are basically bragging to make you choose their company. Reliable transshipment customer service will provide the ratio of different timeliness in the mailing area and the probability of customs inspection based on past experience.

international transshipment

2. Item Packaging

1. Package Damage and Loss

International express delivery has many links, and there may be violent handling and package damage. Formal forwarding companies should reinforce packages and items, and have corresponding protection measures to prevent packages from being damaged during transportation, and items from being damaged or lost.

2. Increased volumetric weight/actual weight generates additional costs

Informal forwarding companies do not unpack and repack the express, which will increase the actual weight/volume weight of the package and generate unnecessary costs. Formal forwarding companies will repack and save unnecessary packaging, making the transportation cost most reasonable.

international transshipment

3. Additional charges

In the normal mailing process, consumers can clearly understand the forwarding fees. Some forwarding companies will take advantage of customers' lack of understanding of the international logistics field and charge surcharges at will. Surcharges are officially regulated and collected by international express delivery. Surcharges are not generated for all routes, nor are they necessarily generated for all mailings. Therefore, before placing an order, you must understand whether the items you are mailing and the route you choose include surcharges, and consult the forwarding platform in advance to see if there are other fees, such as storage fees, photo-taking and packaging fees, etc.

international transshipment

4. After-sales service

If the customer service of an international forwarding company does not have sufficient professional knowledge, the items may be randomly inspected or returned. When sending items, you can directly consult the customer service: what can be sent, what cannot be sent, how much is charged, how long is the time limit, precautions, etc.

international transshipment

The above are some common lightning avoidance tips in international consolidation and transshipment compiled by FLY Logistics. Have you got them? If you have any friends who need to send parcels, you can also send us a private message~